How to Configure IP Address For Logging on a GigaVUE H Series Node

If you are looking for a quick way to monitor network activity, IP address logging is one way to do so. IP addresses can be used to identify a computer, process, or person. Typically, IP addresses are composed of a hostname, alias, or both. In this article, we’ll discuss how to configure IP address logging on a GigaVUE H Series node.

Configure IP address for logging

In order to set up logging, you can configure an IP address that is dedicated to the logging process. The IP address will be hidden from other hosts and will be used for system logging only. This is an essential step in technology risk management. To configure an IP address, you can run the ip source-interface command to see the operational and administratively-assigned source IP selection policies. Typically, the administratively-assigned source IP selection policy will be used.

Once you have done this, you can save or cancel your configuration. You should also be aware that if you don’t use this IP address, you might have a difficult time deciphering the logs.

Configure VLAN interface as source IP address for logging

Configuring the VLAN interface as source IP address for telemetry logging enables administrators to log to a particular network interface. This IP address is defined in the administrative policy. By default, applications and policies use the outgoing interface as the source IP address. To change this policy, you can use the command show ip source-interface status. If you have multiple IP addresses configured on your switch, use the lowest one as the source IP address.

Once you have done this, select the DHCP or static address option, and then click on the Advanced tab. In the Addressing Type section, click the drop-down menu next to the DHCP and static interfaces. Then, select the option corresponding to the type of address that you want to use.

Configure GestioIP

After installing GestioIP, you will need to configure its database settings. This can be done through the web interface. There are several different configuration options, including the number of logs to collect, the host categories, and the sites to log. You can also add additional host categories. Once the database is configured, you can access it by logging in to your GestioIP web interface.

To install GestioIP, you must have at least 2GB of RAM and a Dual Core CPU. You also need to have root access on your machine. You can use sudo -i to switch to the root user if you’re not logged in as root. Once you’ve logged in, you should see a screen asking you for some information.

GigaVUE H Series node logging command

The GigaVUE H Series node logs all incoming HTTP connections to its HTTPS port. This is a security feature, and the Gigamon company provides self-signed and third-party certificates for this purpose. The GigaVUE H Series nodes also support configuration options via the GigaVUE-FM interface.

The GigaVUE H Series node supports IPv4 and IPv6 networking. The GigaMON software comes with the GigaVUE-FM management console, which is a traffic aggregator and forwards traffic to its final destination. It also includes a VPC that acts as a control plane proxy. The Gigamon software is supported on multiple cloud platforms, including AWS.