Where Is InventHelp Located?

Where is InventHelp located? The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office are not exactly a place that inspires confidence when customers, competitors wish to learn more about a company or its products. It has long been known for the delays and downright bad receptionist services that we have had to deal with at the USPTO over the years. We know that it can be very frustrating and that it is not the most comfortable of places to visit to get things sorted out. That’s why we find customers who are looking to save money by outsourcing their US patent searches.

Inventors often seek outsourced services when they find themselves in need of a quick assessment of whether or not their invention meets the legal requirements for patent protection. This is especially true for small business owners who may not have the time or expertise to sift through the mountains of paperwork required in order to determine if a given invention meets the legal requirements. Many of these businesses do not want to hire an attorney and do not understand the intricacies of the patenting process.

Inventors turn to companies such as Inventors Equal to see if their inventions are eligible for patent protection. What is the process? Companies like Inventors Equal conduct patent searches on both new and older inventions. These searches are used by businesses seeking protection for newly developed technologies or products. These searches are done in order to determine whether or not an invention is novel, an uncharacteristic innovation, and whether the technology is novel but unexciting as compared to existing products and pharmaceutical drugs. If these conditions are satisfied, then the patent can be granted.

We have been conducting our own patent searches for some time and have had good results. For us, determining where is Inventhelp located is all about searching for good solid patent research. We rely heavily on the information provided to us by other inventors. When we start talking to them about their inventions, it gives us a better perspective on the invention.

One method we use for determining where is Invent Help is to make an appointment with each patent office in the country to determine what inventions are available. Once the inventors provide us with information on the inventions listed in their patent files, we make comparisons. This usually involves going to the patent office and speaking with a number of people in different positions who will take a look at the inventions. From that point, it is often possible to determine which state the invention was first filed. Sometimes this will result in additional research and cost.

Other methods include using online resources such as patent databases. Some of the websites have more detailed information than others. It is important to consider that inventors do not disclose all of the information they have related to their inventions. Once you know where is inventhelp located, you can determine what type of assistance you may need when you file your patent.