The extra-ordinary church has something to offer anyone. It is a place where people can lean into the Word while having fun. Its mission is to reach out to the community. The leaders of Extraordinary Church are strong men of God and have a passion for the local community. Their ministry has touched the lives of many people.
Ordinary means of grace
In the Extraordinary Church, the ordinary means of grace are not confined to worship alone. Rather, the ordinary means of grace are those ways by which God distributes his grace to people through His church. These means are called “ordinary” because God is not confined by them, and he does not operate outside of them.
James Blewett
The founding pastor of Extraordinary Church is Dr. James Blewett, who has a doctorate in theology and a passion for planting life-giving ministries. His book, Can I Get Baptized in Fruit Punch?, reflects his heart for the community and for people who are looking best church near me for a place to worship God. His goal is to create a place where people can experience God and grow closer to him.
Bloomingdale High School
Extraordinary Church at Bloomingdale High School is a place that is anything but average. It is a church in disguise, complete with a battleship replica and a resident cat. It’s all about bringing the message of Jesus Christ to the community, and it is all led by Dr. James Blewett, who holds a Doctorate in Theology.
Extraordinary Church is a medium-size church in Conyers, GA. Its mission is to build community and reach the community through the Word of God. The church is non-denominational and independent.
At Extraordinary Church, we seek to go beyond ordinary church experiences. You will find a variety of worship styles, including contemporary music, Bible teaching, and practical messages. You’ll also find an interactive community online, including a YouTube channel and other resources.
In the Extraordinary Church, the preaching ministry is more than just reading from a Bible. It’s an ongoing, spiritual journey that demands perseverance and effort. As preachers, we are aware that we are feeding our flock spiritual food. We open the Word and apply the text. This is a ministry that requires no less of our faithfulness than other church leaders.